I think in our area, are a lot of challenges to face, especially what is related the social matters and education.
I think, these days young people are not conscious about so much things, and this is a problem that starts in their houses, so, to get better, we must improve aour education, and when I say education, I'm not just talking about school education, I'm including parental and familiar education.
How I said before, some people is not really conscious about having sex, how to prevent STI (sexual transmitted infections) or how to avoid the pregnancy. They have wrong ideas about it. I think specially young people in social risk or of low economic situation, are lack of sexual education, and this is exactly one of our challenges, treat that everyone could have a good sexual education, giving them the necesary tools to develop themself in the best way possible.
Us, as a future midwive, have the obligation to improve education, We must see us involve with people and their need, is not enougth bring life to this world, We also must be engaged with the others and their health.
I think We should give back to the world some part of us.
Another challenge that we have, is treat that everyone could have the same opportunities, everyone deserves have the best health, and money should not be an impediment to this.
At the same time we MUST improve the treatment, the comunication between pacients and health professionals, this points has, at the same time, two "sides". In one side, the professional must be conscious that the pacient is a human been and not just "something" as an material object, the professional must inform and involve the pacient in her/his own health, turn her/his in an active subject, and this way give her the "power" to dicide the best.
The other "side" is improve the comunication and relationship between both parts. In other words, the treatment must be better than is rigth now, some professional, specially in our area, are tough people and, as the time goes by, they are losing that "nice thing", and at the hour to work with others, don't think how the rest feels... I think, in general, these are the things that we must improve or, in other words, are our challeges!
Hace 15 años
Hi Gabriela,
ResponderEliminarThis was a good response. These problems you mention are true in most of the world. Improving education for young people should be a priority, but it never seems to be. It certainly has not been in the United States, especially over recent decades.
Anyway, here are a few grammar things:
--"I think in our area, are a lot of challenges to face..." should be "...there are a lot of challenges...". Remember, before a new verb, you usually need a subject again, or a word that works like a subject
--"specially" means one time only. "Especially" means particularmente
--"I think, this days..." should be "these days"
--"Other challenge that we have..." should be "another challenge..." The word "other" is for plural nouns, "another" is for singular nouns.
--"people is..." should be "people are"
Take care
Hi Gabriela.
ResponderEliminarI was updating my posts, and I need to post a last comment so I chose you. Our health area is very complicated so I agree with you in many points.
It was really nice to meet you, and I hope I will see you again. Success in the exam!