Today I'm going to do a review about Sir Ken Robinson's opinion.
He says everybody is interested about education because, take us to a future that we can not understand, this way, everything starts with education.
Also says every kid has a big talent, and that we are responsible for spoil this talent in them. And this it’s so terrible because creativity it’s as important as the education. Children are not afraid to be wrong; they take the chance to do new things. Kids will take a chance, because if they don't know, they'll try, anyway they'll take the risk to do something new.
If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll be not prepared to be original. And with the pass of the time, as we grow up, they are losing the capacity to be creative, children loose the courage to be wrong, they start to be afraid to not be right, because we stigmatize mistakes. We educate people out of creative capacities. Public education or in general, education, focuses just to feed the brain, and, as we start to grow up, the education it's turning more and more limited at one area. School just prepare people to develop their brains and forgets that other things are important too.
He says that we must to change our concept of intelligence, because exist a lot of types of it and everyone should be take seriously this subject; no make a side everything that it's not related to the academic area. Intelligence is dynamic, diverse and distinctive and because of it, we should adopt a new conception of human capacity.
Hace 15 años